Friday, July 8, 2011

Gittin' Hitched'

I am finding myself happily engaged since late July! I must say though, being engaged is the worst! It’s like saying I LOVE YOU, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you! Just not right now.

Right now I would rather live thirty five minutes from you; and you can work two and even three jobs. While I do NOTHING! With NO money! In the last seven months I have looked for work in North County San Diego. I have looked and looked to no avail. Every day has been an adventure. Check your email and facebook in the morning, hit the pavement with some résumé’s, cruise the craigslist. Get super excited about a job; email back and forth, phone interview, and then nothing. It’s like they discover something on the back of my resume that is so offensive they can never find it in themselves to ever contact me again. It has been really hard.

It’s hard to know that I’m not the only one stressed out. Stressed out because of the security that keeps eluding my life. It’s affecting my family and Jenna’s family who at times are turning themselves inside out with stress. At one point Jenna’s mom was in tears in front of me, asking me hypothetically how we are going to make it. Mind you all the while this is in the midst of planning an extremely expensive wedding. It’s been really hard!

It’s also been amazing! Jenna has been a rock throughout the entire ordeal. Spending time with her has been my saving grace and I can’t put into words how excited I am to get to wake up everyday with her. We are learning to trust God. Trust God against what the rest of the world seems to think is absurd. Absurd because in the last seven months I have gone surfing,… a lot, got to hang out with some crazy roommates, shaped surfboards, created some art for commercial purposes, and for fun. I thank God that I have got to enjoy myself in the face of waiting.

Waiting on God, one day at time, someday it is all going to make sense. Just like all the other times when I have waited on God in my life. And I will probably be working somewhere wishing I was at the beach surfing all day and looking back on this time like I was riding the gravy train. But even though that sounds crazy right now, I am riding the gravy train. God is in control and I get to marry a girl that is rad, and down for anything, and trusts God even more than me. I am down but not out and I am glad… 

Thank you God for the food that I ate and roof on my head from the rain right now, I’m not scarred! You are in control, and I love You and I love Jenna!
Jake Neumann is happily married living were he never thought he would again; in comfort by the grace of God.